Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


Cheated by Plasters!

Few days ago, I went to Gurney Plaze for dinner with a friend. As we walked pass a stall selling mobile phones accessories, we stopped and I had a look on the dangling things you hang on the handphone, searching for one to replace my GSC black leather Elektra straps that broke last week.

As I was browsing through the straps hanging there, which made my eyes blur cos there are so many variety of colours and designs, I saw this particular one with a red cross on it, and I immediately thought it was a cross per se. It was attached to a round face, with a plastered head, and tongue sticking out. So I thought 'Cute!', but the main reason for my purchase was the CROSS. It was RM 4.90.

Fine, I bought it, cheerfully. But when I reached home, as I take a closer look at my new possession, I saw what was wrong with it. The red cross was no CROSS, but it was actually the plasters on the face's head, also red. Oh!!

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