Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


Snowman, O Snowman, where art thou?

Has this ever occurred to you?

We hear songs that sing of snowman everywhere we go in this Christmas season. Just this morning the music shop opposite my office was blasting one :)

But we are in Malaysia, a tropical country that only has sunshine and rain (and sometimes rainbow). We don't even have snow here. The only snowman I met is Mr. Picture Snowman or Mr. Plastic Snowman.

I wonder if there is any equivalent to a snowman here in Malaysia. Would it be rainman? The carrot or orange cone won't stick. Would it be iceman? Definitely won't last an hour. Hmmm.... I really wonder...

Where is the snowman? :-S


  1. i just had to comment....

    It's the Mamakman!!!!!! And you can find him everywhere, and in every season!!! He brings joy and prosperity... teh tarik and roti canai to all the hungry people of Malaysia :P

  2. smart! i can so imagine...haha

  3. then, Paint Mamakman white? hehe....
