Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


Not WHAT but HOW.

I always tell others that it is what you go through that will make you.

But today, I change my stand. Whether what one goes through will make or break one depends on HOW one goes through it.

I testify that there had been times when I dealt with issues in my life with a positive attitude, keeping my eyes on the God who reigns forever and evermore; and there had been times when I dealt with issues in my life with much hopelessness, negativity, choosing to be swayed by whatever others tell me and with a wrong attitude.

In the former, I come out of my struggles victorious. Looking back, I can only see that those issues I had to face were platforms that bring me to another level. I grew due to them.

In the latter, I come out of my struggles being even more weighed down by the yoke those issues have formed over my shoulders. They remained issues not dealt with. I get stuck due to them.

I have to say that without God's help and without the truths in His Word, I would probably be facing my issues with the latter outlook. Every problem will seem like a curse. But because of Him, I am glad that every issue is a door to growth and an opportunity to bring Him glory.

With Him, truly all things work for my good, whether they are good things, or seemingly bad things (Rom 8:28). Seriously, with a God to whom I am EVERYTHING, how can things be for my destruction?

Thank God I found Him, and have Him :) God bless y'all.

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