Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


Too Demanding, Or Not.

It's no longer shocking nor surprising to get news of another incident of arbitrary use of powers by those entrusted with the enforcement of laws and civil rights in Malaysia. It happens. The only thing not constant about it is the frequency of it being reported in the news.

With the recent arrest of political scientist and Monash University lecturer, Wong Ching Huat, a series of other related arrests took place. Civilians who showed concern for the current instability in the Perak state assembly and Wong's arrest got arrested. The solicitors and legal aiders who represent those civilians got arrested. Looking at the rate the police is arresting people, I wonder if a person who merely walks pass the Traverse Police Station will get arrested.

None of the above persons was in anyway a threat to the peace and order of this nation, considering the fact that there is none at this moment. A guy sent a mass message out to others to wear black got arrested. And lawyers who were merely discharging their legal duty got arrested, not to mention one of them were only there because she had to drive her friend home. Tell me if there is order. The only order I see is the police repetitively arresting people. Perhaps we all end up in the lock-up, and no one is left on the streets, means peace and order. Haha.

This incident made headlines. But this is only one incident that did. Can you think of all the lay persons whose civil rights were infringed in the process of being arrested, or charged in court for a criminal offense without compliance with the necessary formalities to ensure the powers given to the law enforcers are not used according to their own whims and fancies? They are unheard of and unreported. And each time, the police escapes from the rightful consequences of misuse of their powers. What's worse...how many innocent people were denied their basic rights and put behind bars?

The arbitrary use of the powers by law enforcers is serious as it means civilians are constantly being denied their basic rights, such as the right to be legally represented, and the right to be informed of the offense that they are being arrested for.

It is only natural for us to demand an explanation and public apology for that from those who were involved, and those to whom they are accountable to. When no such explanation or reasonable justifications were given to support their actions, demanding for the resignation of the OCPD, the IGP and the Home Minister, is not too demanding. We live in a democratic country. If you can't perform, we would love to have someone else who can on that seat.

What say you?

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