Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


How come?

How come lah?
How come there is only Tabung Palestine but no Tabung Israel?
That's like making the statement "I sure think that Israel's attacks are inhumane, and therefore I won't help them. They don't deserve it!"

Hey, when you are grieving, broken, hopeless, sad or hurt, don't ya wish someone would help you? I would!

Close you eyes and imagine this (here comes the Matthew McConaughey scene LOL):
You've been robbed and hurt. You're lying by the side of the road. The robbers left you there to bleed to death after having violated you in everyway. You're praying very hard for someone to come save you or help you. Suddenly you hear footsteps coming closer and closer to you. They stopped. You look up at a stranger, who stares back and said "I am not going to lend a hand because you have sinned and don't deserve my help", and he walks away, leaving you to bleed to death, just like the robbers.

C'mon. We have all sinned and fall short. If you say you never did ONE thing wrong in your entire life or something against your conscience, you're a liar. If you are cursing the stranger in the hypothetical situation above, congrats, you are cursing yourself.

I am totally against the atrocities in Gaza now too. I am! But having just Tabung Palestine and not Tabung Israel is equally inhumane. Innocent people die in Israel too.

I am learing to hate the sin and love the sinner. Why don't you do the same? Don't be so biased.

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