Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


2 months! Aargh!!

I know I should't panic. But the thought that there are only 2 months left to my CLP exams brings terror into my mind! Aarghh!!

The scariest movie in the world should not be about ghosts and demons but about one's journey through the CLP. That's scary.

It feels like 3 years of degree all combined into one exam. Imagine the number of cases to memorise. Now I wish the CLP board would allow candidates to bring case books into the exam hall. Yeah right! Keep dreaming...

CLP exams did terrible things to me. It casued me to go for a bad hair cut (I look like a mushroom now). It caused me to do all sorts of crazy things.

CLP...curse you! :P

1 comment:

  1. sin yee.. all the best to you.. you can do it~!!! =)

    take care ya..
