Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


When others fail you.

6For in Scripture it says:
"See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone,
and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
7Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe,
"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone," 8and,
"A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall."
They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.

I am still stuck in a SWEEP hangover. I cannot rid off the SWEEP memories as they are precious to me. Perhaps, it represents the beginning to a new chapter in my walk with God, one that promises great discoveries and growth.

Since SWEEP, my anger towards to society has not subsided. Yes, I am angry.
Why is the society like this? Why is it this ugly? So incompassionate? So irresponsible?

Some thinks I expect too much from the society. Well, as a part of it, I don't find it wrong to expect something out of it, or else I wouldn't be living in it. Unfortunately, it has failed me.

I know of so many people who, by their actions or inactions, caused others to be drug addicts, sex workers, alcoholics, gangsters, truants, etc. and guess what these people say? They are not part of us anymore. We can't help them.

This stirred up so much anger in me that I was afraid I couldn't control it and will sin in anger one day. Knowing how easily I can go wrong, I surrendered this anger to the Lord. And this morning in my devotion, He aswered my prayer by telling me where should I look to in this situation where the society has failed me - Him.

He too was once rejected my people and disappointed even by the ones He loved dearly. But because He knew He is a 'precious stone' to the Father, He knew where to look to for hope, and a place to let go of this disappointment.

Today, I found the answer to my anger... and why He allowed it to build up in me. TQ God.
When others failed you, look up.


  1. agree! agree! agree!
    all the best...sad that you are leaving us, but glad that you are going to starta new life!
    all the best!

  2. Anonymous12:56 am

    I really thank God for giving you a chance to see all these, and definetely He has put a burden in your heart for all these people. I just can't wait to see how God is going to use you.

    You are right about the anger part. never let anger control over us, for we fall into sin easily when we are angry. Satan can/will always enlarge our anger. I thank God for helping you to surrender your anger.

    Always remember, Satan is still the prince of the world. He is working very hard to destroy human beings. When we stretch our hands to help the suffer, we need to realize that those who cause people to suffer need help to. Basically, everyone needs a chance from God.

    You are really a wonderful girl, friend and sister. I really really really love you. I am going to miss you. I really hope that you will choose to stay, but you know better where you should go.

    Take care.
