Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


Why I Quit Gymnastics

I did what I would do during every long holiday...I visited my old secondary school and the hall where the national gymnasts have their daily practice.

It's been 4 damn years since I last perform those stunts in that very same hall. When I watched the seniors (they were my juniors) perform their ribbon and clubs routines, I was amazed and captivated! I'm so proud of them. From splits to back bends, pivots to cart-wheels, they did it gracefully and neatly. In fact, they are better than the seniors 4 years ago (including me hehe).

Watching their beautiful movements brought me back to 4 years ago when I love this sport so much....and I wondered why did I choose to bid farewell with gymnastics. A few minutes later, i saw the team manager and a few other state judges walked into the Malaysian Sports Council and I finally remembered why...it was due to politics.

It is sad that politics have to exist anywhere...from the hostel to the training hall, the coaches, and the management of the national gymnastic squad. After the 2001 Sea Games in Kuala Lumpur, I had to decide whether to pursue my career in gymnastics or elsewhere.

Although I dislike the training a little (imagine having to run on the track 10 rounds under the hot 4pm sun just because you gained 100g!), the main factor that made me quit gymnastics was politics. It was really too much for me to handle and I grew so sick and tired of it. I could not face it anymore. In the end, I said goodbye to the sport that I have devoted 7 years of my life to, and the sport that I still love until today - gymnastics.

Well... there is still a gymnast in me... but practically speaking, I cannot start stretching and bending like how I used to do right now. For the love of gymnastics, I can still try something else related to it now... perhaps coaching and dancing? :)

Oh, by the way, did you know that there is actually men rhythmic gymnastics? I love watching them perform ;p

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Hi to Lian too.

    The good o' past is always a fond memory. At least you have your years that you can keep in your heart... : )
