I had already sent the reminders and got the confirmations for who to attend the meeting. But during the course of sending out the reminders and getting the confirmations, our case lawyers did not inform me of their decision that one of the Directors, who was listed as a witness for case, no longer need to be called as a witness and hence there is no need for him to be at this meeting.
This Director had to rush from somewhere else to come to our office for the meeting. Imagine the trouble. And, imagine walking into the meeting room only to find out he doesn't need to be there and can leave immediately. I was sitting in the room, and it was only then I knew of the change in the list of witnesses.
But guess who did the Director scolded? Me. I could only say sorry, but of course, sorry wasn't good enough. In their opinion, I didn't carry out me duty. And the worse thing was, the other 2 witnesses sitting in the room who saw how our case lawyers had inform us about the change in the list of witnesses only there at that moment, didn't say a single thing in my defence. One of them was my boyfriend.
I don't know if I am more upset about being called irresponsible/inconsiderate for causing the trouble to the Director, or if I am more upset about my boyfriend not saying anything to my defence.
I am sure all of us face this situation at some point in our lives, whether work related or not.
I've learnt through this incident:-
a) To not rely on man to defend me, but to rely solely on God who will uphold the cause of the righteous. When I have not wronged my conscience and there is really nothing I can do in a situation, God will somehow work things out by His grace.
b) For future cases, I will instruct our case lawyers to call the witnesses for meetings instead.
Now, time to get back to work. Toodles!