Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


Not Too Attached.

Friends - some won't always be there, but some will be there for us through everything...or will they really?

I'm turning a quarter century old soon. In my 25-minus-2-weeks years of life here on planet Earth and all the experience I've had with people in my world who I dubbed as 'friend', the conclusion I can make is that no one will really be there for their friends through everything, except for one Person - Jesus. (Thank God at least there's 1!)

The good ones left deeper footprints on my heart while many just touched and went. The ones that I hung out most with (and trusted most) in the past 3 years are either now overseas and getting married OR getting married soon and leaving Malaysia OR flew to Melbourne to study for 6 months (without a doubt will be 6 months plus a couple more) OR occupied with an expanding business and a family to take care of...even the potential ones have potential opportunities coming that will change the status quo established in our friendship, if any at all.

Maybe I feel the change more than those who actually live with their family. Being away from home since 11 has made me value friendships so much more. It was my friends who really went through more than half my life with me. It sucks to know and acknowledge that they too have their own lives to live and they won't be there for everything forever.

As I thought about this and expressed my sentiments to God, He reminded me of one very important truth about this - my life here on Earth is only temporary and there is nothing I can take with me when I return to Him, thus there is no point or eternal benefit to get too attached to anything in the world, that includes friends whom He graciously blessed me with. Friends are to be appreciated, not worshiped...except for Jesus of course.

That'll work :) I think...

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