Disney Sunset

Disney Sunset
Disney Sunset


My 10 MJ Facts.

1. All time favourite video clip: Black or White.
2. All time favourite song: The Girl Is Mine.
3. How famous is he in my world? - Even my 70 over year old grandma knows him.
4. One person I know who looks like him: (just a bit) Noel Chelliah :D
5. Favourite Jackson sibling: Janet Jackson.
6. Best dance routine: It's a tie lah....Thriller and Beat it!.
7. Most outrageous hairstyle: http://www.rockmusicart.com/images/product_images/Michael_Jackson.jpg
8. Best outfit: http://evelkneivel.com/thriller.gif
9. Favourite dance move: The 'lean'. It's amazing how he did it!
10. I don't think he did all that bad stuff people said he did.

-The End-

1 comment:

  1. He deserves a second chance): *sniff sniff*
